SLC Counterfeit Protection Program
As you are aware, counterfeit parts have become a major source of concern in our industry in the last several years. All of our stock is sourced directly from the manufacturer and franchised distributors, or is excess inventory from OEM's and Contract manufacturers under common ownership that only purchase their products from authorized sources.
With over 40 years of experience in the industry, our Incoming Quality Inspectors visually and electrically inspect all parts, including comparing the labeling and packaging against product that was procured directly from the manufacturer for any inconsistencies. We have full in-house testing capabilities that allow us to confirm parts meet the manufacturer's published electrical specifications.
In addition, we have the ability to decap parts for visual die inspection and can identify whether the proper die is being used to manufacture the product. We stand behind our products and CDP with a 100% guarantee that you and your customer will be completely satisfied with any product procured through SLC.
Testing Services
Our in-house test services and DMS product support continually provide turnkey solutions for problems with the acquisition and processing of obsolete and end of life components. With greater than 100 million hermetic discrete and die/wafer components in stock, SLC can meet your immediate needs with test and selection capabilities. SLC maintains Class 100 Laminar flow benches for all die and wafer activities using ESD precautions. In addition, we have extensive test capabilities for custom semiconductor selections and certifications. SLC maintains a quality system in accordance with MIL-I-45208 and MIL-STD-1285. Sign up for our mailing list to receive inventory updates and SLC Specials. SLC purchases excess hermetic and die/wafer inventory. Please contact us with your excess inventory